Bellingcat team members Annique Mossou & @Johanna_Wild have come out with a guide on how to do research on the hugely popular platform — both within the parameters of the TikTok app and from outside.…
Unlike, say, Snapchat, TikTok is *very* searchable from the outside.
You can search via Facebook, for example.

And the guide goes into detail as to some helpful tricks you can utilize.

Remember: Old videos are recycled to pass for new ones all the time. This is especially dangerous during a pandemic.
Searching TikTok can help you spot the real context.

And TikTok helpfully provides entire lists of users using a particular song snippet or recording.
You will also be able to see the original.

Check out the full guide and find out
There is space at the bottom to leave more helpful tips
As this platform is constantly growing (even our editor is now addicted), stay with us as we explore it more!…