It was important and more interesting than it sounds.
I promise.…

It’s a problem and there’s not much evidence that it’s getting better.
Namely, Commonwealth entities get to mark their own homework.
Unsurprisingly, when agencies mark they own homework, they give themselves higher grades than when someone else (eg the ANAO) marks them.
The ANAO was unable to think of a substantive difference between its methodology for assessing top for compliance and agencies’ self-assessment processes.
Well we’ve covered the government’s approach to that already.
Helpfully, the ANAO has said that it will be looking again at the self-assessment process in its current cyber resilience audits.
The current approach to cyber resilience in Cth entities isn’t working and hasn’t been working for a long time.
At a time when the threats to our National Cyber Resilience have probably never been greater, this is a problem.