Btw any tktk viral vid mocking China for virus🤔? atleast I haven't seen any!)…
14. Let's ban it. But will it solve all our probs? May be yes, but temp. & then?..
16. Then, what do we do. Short/Long term , legally, technically (Note- this section is personal opinion😎)
Roll on...
17. Dropped G-play rating may affects clients base & ads (4.2 to 2 in 1mnth).Thanks to @CarryMinati
18. Report contents 'legally' to resp. commissions,CyberCell.
19. BAN! Sufficient disgraced contents. Hit Hard their 1/3 base💪. It may mk 'em tighten screening… Oh! btw, how many Ma-Pa are aware of 'Parental Control' App?(parenting gyan😋)
21. Govt to make 'country specific' content screening (Pt#12) for tktk.
22. SM vigilant cell MUST be formed for sanity check🧐23. All SM a/c should link with unique govt. id to prevent fake a/c & spot on culprits easily.(Pls don't link this idea with 'PAPERS'🤗
Pls RT if you find it worth.
#Tiktot #BanTikToklnlndia #TiktokExposed #Tiktokrating