1. India's Nuclear ambitions was evident since 1944, credit to N-programme pioneer #HomiJehangirBhabha.
2. Amidst all post-independence challenges, by 1960 N-Prgm taken shape & Bhabha estimated to have N-weapon production in a year or so when asked by Nehru.
5. Just 3 months back Bhabha died, he had said on-air, we would have N-weapon in 18 months.
6. CIA allegedly wanted to get rid of Bhabha to “paralyse” India’s N-prog?

9. Largely greeted by Indians except Congress who refuted it for 'political score' by BJP.
10. Parmanu film is based on Pokharan2.

12. Countries 'refrained' to condemn: UK, France, Russia
13. India's 'secret' N-test earned major embarrassment to US intel CIA, noted as "a serious intel failure of the decade".
15. Despite persistent push since 70's, India firmly remains outside both the N-treaty- NPT & CTBT.
16. In PM Modi's strong pitch for N-energy, India recently accepted as a member...
17. India is aggressively pushing for membership of NSG, however being blocked by China so far.
a. Dr APJ Abdul Kalam, Sci. Adviser PM, Head @DRDO_India
b. Dr R Chidambaram, Chairman,AtomicEnergyDept
c. Dr K. Santhanam, Dir,DRDO
d. Dr Anil Kakodkar, Dir,@BARCIndia
e. Indian Army & all involved scientists
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