
Let's start with a question: Have you ever overshot your goal for hyponatremia correction ?
Hyponatremia overcorrection ↗️ is one of the most common dyselectrolytemia which keeps us on our toes.
✅ Let's discuss some strategies to prevent overcorrection ↗️
In a patient with high risk for ODS what are your goals of sodium correction in a 24 hour period for chronic hyponatremia ?
This is a tricky question
⏳In a 24 hour period;
🔹️The goal for correction is 4-6 mEq/L (expert opinion)…
🔸️While the limit for correction is ≤ 8 mEq/L
Do you prefer a specific strategy for hyponatremia correction ?…
The strategy has been described as an easy to remember “rule of sixes,”: “six a day makes sense for safety; so six in six hours for severe sx’s (symptoms) and stop.”…
Rescue Strategy;
📌As the name suggests , sodium has already been overcorrected by > 8 mEq/L in a 24 hour period.
⚡How: DDAVP 2-4 mcg IV Q6-8h and D5W 3 mL/kg/hr IV over 2 hours(≈↓PNa by 1 mEq/L)…

In spite of these strategies Hyponatremia management is always perplexing. Some caveats to remember while using DDAVP clamp are:
📌Limit oral fluid intake as this can exacerbate hyponatremia
📌 IV Medications formulated in D5W should be avoided while using DDAVP
📌Potassium supplementation should be taken into account when correcting PNa as potassium is osmotically equivalent to sodium (e.g. 1 mEq of KCl is roughly equivalent to 2 mL of NaCl 3%)
Read an excellent review of "Outcomes in Severe Hyponatremia Treated With and Without Desmopressin"…
Lets revisit our scenario again. In a patient with high risk for ODS what are your goals of sodium correction in a 24 hour period for chronic hyponatremia?