Why can't you manage a research lab the same way as a construction project? How were we able to accomplish large scale collaborative efforts such as the Apollo program or Manhattan Project, but can't do the same thing for curing cancer?
This can help us guide management methods and understand why some efforts are harder than others.
His visualization of critical paths and point frontiers is a particularly insightful way to think about the concept.
❓know what ↔ Know what. How specific & certain is desired outcome?
🌫 Broad goal = divergent thinking w many potential destinations
🎯 Specific goal = convergent thinking, single "correct" destination
Diverge/explore/indefinite ↔ Converge/exploit/definite
Know how ↔ don't know how. How well are methods to reach the outcome known?
✅ how = running lean, critical path(s)/bottlenecks are known
❓ how = running fat, make progress by indirect/oblique adaptation
Lean/direct/efficient ↔ Fat/oblique/inefficient
Broad objective with no specific outcome + no known method to find value. Optimizing here can hurt, leading you to miss most valuable parts (global optimum). Many dead-ends. Maximally oblique & adaptive.
Can either be liberating (Play) or dangerously uncertain (Fog)
You know where you want to go, but it's too complex to know (globally) how to get there. Many paths—choosing from limited options—must be taken, some progressing & some dead-ends. @vgr: "you can only optimize bits of the system at a time"
A frontier of value but no specific outcome can be planned for. How is known: the effort is based on a *method* to make progress. As progress is made, events along the way can result in different outcomes. Efficient but open to range of outcomes.
The traditional "project" they teach about in B-school. You know what you want + how to get it, the rest is execution. A single critical path can be managed for efficiency, with some "side" paths being more uncertain. Maximally direct & prescriptive.
1️⃣ Play/fog: R&D divisions, curing cancer, climate change, finding happiness
2️⃣ Quest: COVID cure, moon landing, many VC-backed startups
3️⃣ Explore: movies, oil prospecting, explorers, lean/agile startups
4️⃣ Project: Construction, manufacturing, logistics
(More on this in an upcoming thread, along with how best to *manage* each mode of effort)