Western Australian Government Railways (WAGR) 3'6" gauge, peak mileage was in 1937 at 4,100 miles (6,600 km). An extensive network to service the wheat belt. WAGR had a number of different name variations.
WA railway map 1919

A class 2-6-0 13 built c. 1879
Beyer, Peacock & Co (12)
Dübs & Co (1)
Road numbers A3-A15
WAGR A Class 2-6-0, no. 11, unidentified location, [n.d.]

Goodwood Timber Company, Noojee Victoria, 3'6'' gauge, ex WAGR 'A' Class no. 5 1936
J L Buckland

This is an unidentified locomotive at SLWA
Appears to be an A class.

Preserved A11, A15 rest scrapped.
A11 on display at the Bassendean Railway Museum in 2018

A15 was sold for restoration 1982 and it went to Victoria. Some progress was reported in 2012.