It stands because it was uniquely validated North & South (h/t John Hume).
DUP opposed it.
Still, like rest of us, they & followers were guaranteed rights under GFA.
But the DUP do not have rights over it. 1/
Using twisted lines to conflate/confuse discrete "consent" provisions in GFA re Brexit, backstop & protocol.
Now arrogating over "birthright" tenet on citizenship choice. 2/

But truth is that SDLP & Irish Government both crafted GFA terms on consent, identity, citizenship, rights etc with - among other considerations - DUP input at previous Mayhew talks in 1992 in mind. 4/
In plenary, Ian Paisley stated he was "geographically Irish" but never by identity. 5/
Hume replied we should agree rights & principles to apply whether NI in UK or united Ireland. 6/
"If you want to be Irish move.." line met by S Mallon " is HOME for all of us..We will never say 'if you are British move'.." 7/
Risky to proffer Gospel lines to DUP but "Do unto others etc." 9/
@EmmandJDeSouza achievement has not only vindicated Irish/EU citizenship right. It has also ensured spouses of British citizens here now have 'settlement' access closed to GB. 10/

Instead he misrepresents GFA & resents @EmmandJDeSouza forcing HomeOffice to treat people here better than GB on Brexit (DUP support) due to GFA (DUP opposed). 11/