It is *not* true that the principle of parallel consent applies to all decisions under the GFA.
Hypocritical for DUP to cite supposed "principle of parallel consent" as immutable all-encompassing obligation under GFA.
British Govt failed to include the special procedure in 1998 Bill. Only put in amendment that Assembly standing orders would provide for special procedure outlined in GFA Strand1 pars 11-13.
Petition of concern is abused as dead end veto on anything; even against rights.
Especially by DUP.
Misapplied, it is a predictive veto in the way of proper public policy debate/choices.
On top of Customs Union removal, "whatever you're having yourself" for vetoholics on alignment with single market will hole GFA Strand2 North-South provisions.
Undue power PM wants to confer on DUP not just unfair to majority in North but also to impact on rights & interests in South which also mandated GFA.
Dishonest & dangerous to frame consent device to suit anti-GFA party's prejudices & GB Brexiteer pan-UK imperatives.
It creates a weapon for consent voidance of existing alignment by one party veto.
Fundamental implications for existing island economy & North-South cooperation on top of Customs impacts.
Also has review arrangements for Strands.
But no top-up consent as a withholdable condition for continuation.
Strand 2 would not have been agreed with such voidable terms under guise of consent.
All now paying price of Strand1 damage conceded by then UK Government to DUP at St Andrews.
Trusting DUP with gerrymandered gearing for consent on continued alignment invites Strand 2 jeopardy.