"My experiences have taught me of the importance of proximal-to-distal kinematic sequencing and how these elite movement patterns translate to elite loading patterns in the Kinetic Link, which is found in all elite athletes to varying degrees."
To site a single ex. here's a Koufax clip:
Slow it down to .25 Look at the post leg foot.
As he starts to "move out" [leg lifts/hips start to "fall", note the stability of the back leg ie., it maintains a good degree of "stiffness" as the center mass moves away from this anchor point
Could he load/unload better by having a different initial back leg posture?
I don't think so.
This can be done statically at set-up or dynamically [what I deemed "forward by turning" yrs. ago]
[I may try to show this in the next few days].