I spent the weekend at the Islamic Global Peace and Unity festival at the London Excel....
I will keep the thread short because the detail can be found by following the link to the article below 1/7
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Behind the mask of a cultural festival, extremism was visible everywhere
In the exhibition area - some stalls were linked to terror groups such as the PFLP and banned organisations such as Samidoun.... 2/7
In the conference centre - Speaker after speaker - spread lies, hate or open support for terrorism.
It isn't a single message - it is the cocktail that makes this so dangerous. The London Excel was turned into a radicalisation chamber for the weekend.... 3/7
Amnesty International Marketing and Comms Director behind official BDS campaign against Chevron. 1/9
The BDS movement seeks to destroy Israel - and the organising body (the BNC) has ties to terror groups.
Amnesty International has long denied supporting the Boycott Divestment Sanctions (BDS) campaign - but from the evidence below - that just does not seem to be true. 2/9
Chevron has been a target of BDS since 2022, but the latest BDS 'escalation' started in January 2024 - when the BDS National Committee (BNC) issued a call 'for a consumer boycott of Chevron-branded gas stations': 3/9
Breaking: I am trying to keep up with this 'Hamas Rape Tunnel of Gaza' action today by @LondonNotHamas - from their feed it looks like they have got the whole of the underground one way or another. Both on trains and off. This stunning poster at Old Street station
They seem to be using the hashtags #gethamasoutoflondon #londonagainsthamas #hamasrapetunnels so maybe we should help them spread the word...
This image from Redbridge on the Central Line
Many others are on the trains - and across multiple tube lines. A reminder that every time the terrorist supporters gather in London - it is the tube that is helping them to spread their #hamasjewhate - this one from Wood Green on the Piccadilly.
Wanna see a classic example of 'Jews don't count'??
This example provided by the toxic, rancid, antisemitic NGO - Amnesty International... Told in 4 parts
1. I start with this simple post from @amnesty - concerned for all the Lebanese people rushing to safety.
2. Now Amnesty have no love for Iran - and now and again do post about prisoners of conscience and the Iranian regime crushing dissent (just as Amnesty before it went off the rails in the early 2000s used to)...
3. But there is more to Iran than oppressing Iranians. Iranian proxies turned parts of the region to dust and Iran directly fired 100s of ballistic missiles at Israel displacing 10,000s of Israelis and sending millions running for cover.
Exclusive: Yesterday the @bbcnews flagship BBC Verify published blatant pro-Iranian propaganda.
BBC Verify is an amateurish, propaganda device- that is driven by unacceptable bias, and publishes blatant lies worthy of a Russian Soviet era misinformation service.
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BBC Verify published a 1 minute 20 second video titled 'where Iran's missiles struck in Israel'.
The BBC tells us the video is to counter 'false imagery' circulated online. They say they verified strikes in the vicinity of three key locations - all of them military sites: 2/11
This creates an immediate problem. Why only these three? For example, a verified strike by Ramat Gan shopping mall has not been included. For some reason BBC Verify left known strikes such as the one on the shopping mall out of their analysis. 3/11