The Religious Right’s Hostility to Science Is Crippling Our Coronavirus Response
Denial of science &critical thinking among religious ultraconservatives now haunts the American response to coronavirus crisis…
Meet the evangelicals pushing back against Trump
Activists are trying to convince fellow believers that President Donald Trump is unworthy of their adulation.…
Trump and religion: 'A battle of heresy versus Christian truth'
We ask Reverend William Barber about the significant support among white evangelicals for US President Donald Trump.…
Eight-in-ten U.S. adults describe Trump as self-centered, half say he is intelligent…
Donald Trump's Self-Destructive Policies on Religion
Government and religious leaders of all stripes have rejected Mr. Trump’s religion-based proposals as assaults on our fundamental freedoms.…
Breaking down Trump's religion-heavy State of the Union
“..opponents of the administration's crackdown on immigrants say it violates the religious freedom of many religious activists who fight for immigrant rights..”…
There Is No Christian Case for Trump
When faith is treated as an instrumentality, it’s bad for politics and worse for the Christian witness.…
Trump Brings Religion Into the Coronavirus Culture War
Religious services shouldn’t be exempted from state pandemic regulations.…
Religious Exemptions During the Coronavirus Pandemic Will Only Worsen the Crisis…
Religious Fundamentalists Are Making the Pandemic Worse
In the US and abroad, leaders are putting faith before good science.…
Trump mocks the faith of others. His own religious practices remain opaque.…