Walker asks⤵️
Spoiler: A surprising number of people prefer a “strongman” to rule-of-law democracy.
Let's start with a definition of democracy.
I like Lincoln's: “A majority held in restraint by constitutional checks and balances. . ."
Most people on Twitter are familiar with what political psychologists call the authoritarian disposition—the theory that some people are inclined toward authoritarianism.
But the answer: “People who prefer authoritarianism have an authoritarian disposition,” is sort of circular, right?
Maybe we should come at the question from a different angle.
🔹Reject diversity,
🔹Don’t like boring politics,
🔹Demand rapid change,
🔹Reject compromise, and
🔹Are completely sure they’re right.
(There is overlap, and I’m probably forgetting something.)
See academia.edu/34651963/The_R…
Right wing authoritarians “defer to established authorities,” and “show aggression toward out-groups when authorities sanction that aggression.”
The cruelty springs from the dislike.
Here is Tucker Carlson explaining that diversity is NOT a strength:
The problem for them is that democracy tends to expand and become more inclusive.
That's when they reject it.
Some Trump supporters like Trump because he’s entertaining.
When democracy works well, it’s boring.
A lot of people dozed off in school when the teacher talked about “civics” and “three branches of government.” 😴
MPBA (Make Politics Boring Again).
News shouldn't be entertainment.
This brings us to
🔹People who demand rapid change.
One appeal of the strongman is he can blast through the slow-moving process and get things done fast.
🔹Reject compromise
Democracy requires compromise. Purists who won’t compromise are not democratic (even if the result they want is more democracy).
In the early 1990s, Newt Gingrich urged Republicans to reject compromise. theatlantic.com/magazine/archi…
“My way or the high way” is not democracy. It’s autocracy.
“This is the way it has to be” are the kinds of words spoken by a strongman.
This brings me to Learned Hand’s quotation: "The Spirit of Liberty is the spirit which is not too sure that it is right"👇
(That really was his name)
For the full context, see: digitalhistory.uh.edu/disp_textbook.…

To be clear: I’m not advocating compromising with the KKK.
I’m advocating coalition building, creating as big a tent as possible, and respecting procedures.
Big tents get messy.
h/t @QuitTheCrazy
I stumbled on this opinion piece in The Christian Post arguing that diversity is obviously a weakness, not a strength. (Link in next tweet)
Other proof: In the first Book of the Bible, there is great homogeneity. Then God gives them diversity of language. . .
I know very little about it. I just stumbled on this opinion piece. I do recall the magazine had an internal falling out over whether to defend Trump during the impeachment.