White women: “I’m taking pictures and calling the cops. ...I’m going to tell them there is an African-American man threatening my life.”
This is terrorism.
Twitter: @FTI_US @FTI_Global

Amy Cooper is a VP at this company.
📲: franklintempletoncareers.com/careers/workin…

You can contact Amy Cooper’s employer, Franklin Templeton, and ask why they allow her to be a Vice President overseeing other employees.
📲: franklintempleton.com/investor/our-f…

@NYCockerRescue may want to get Henry back as Amy choked him while trying to lie on a Black man to police who requested she follow park rules.


"Unfortunately we live in an era with things like Ahmaud Arbery, where black men are seen as targets. This woman thought she could exploit that to her advantage, and I wasn't having it."
She knew the NYPD could have ended the man’s life. She weaponized his Blackness against him. She is now playing the victim. This is how whiteness works.

“I’m not going to participate in my own dehumanization. I’m not going to feed into this. We live in an age of Ahmaud Arbery where Black men are shot, gunned down because of the presumptions people make...”

However, she also claimed Christian was screaming and she felt threatened. She viewed the dog treats as a threat. In other words, she felt justified. #AmyCooperIsARacist
The company tweeted, we do not tolerate racism of any kind at Franklin Templeton.