1. Richard James and his flash of inspiration.

In 1943 James was trying to develop a means for suspending sensitive shipboard instruments aboard
In 1992, Michael Buffer secured a legal copyright on the phrase “Let's get ready to rumble.”
Michael Buffer, by coining, popularizing and legally securing the phrase “let's get ready to rumble.” has earned in excess of 100 million dollars.
Instead of taking cash, Choe took a chance and opted for the stock options.
Choe was added on as an "adviser" and received 0.1 to 0.25 percent of the company.
By the mid 1970’s, pet rocks were the rage with owners across the country showing off their “pets”.
Pure genius!
Unfortunately, he passed away on the 23rd of March 2015, at the age of 78.
May he rest in peace.
The two met at a Missouri State University football game in Springfield, Missouri. Bailey, at the time, had only made a few pairs of the teeth
That gag product went on to be a massive hit. The product has made $50M in revenue so far since 1993.