Let's go!
― Confucius
― Antoine de Saint-Exupery
― Albert Einstein
― "Gall's Law" by John Gall
1. Passes all the tests (almost implies TDD)
2. Communicates Intent (not only how but also why)
3. No Duplication (DRY, SOLID)
4. Fewest elements
(by Kent Beck @KentBeck)
• Communicates intent
• No duplication
• Fewest elements
And the first one (passes the tests) is an essential scaffold for simplicity. It detects/prevents regression when we continuously refactor to improve (simplify) the design.
• Communication
• Simplicity
• Feedback
• Courage
• Respect
― Leonardo da Vinci
• User interface design
• Volume of features
• Technical design
• YAGNI - You Ain't Gonna Need It, which connects the idea of simplicity with flow, process, and the elimination and avoidance of waste - Lean
• KISS - Keep It Simple, Sweety
• DRY - Don't Repeat Yourself
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