Today let me try to demonstrate, how our temples hold volumes of Info & is an Encyclopaedia.
@ReclaimTemples @punarutthana @LostTemple7
I)Hazara Rama Temple, Hampi, Karnataka
II)Shiva Temple, Sihoniya, Madhya Pradesh
Observe the Dwarapalas on both the sides. Who are they?
Jaya & Vijaya right?
(Number 1 & 2)
Shri Maha Vishnu right?
(Number - 3)
Because “Pranaala” is also the Water Outlet portion of Shiva Linga & the portion is called as “Vishnu Bhaaga”.
Representing the “Source of Water” – which is source of life on Earth.
Didn’t I say you that our temples are simply heaven & imagine this is the knowledge we are kept away from.
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