No. This is the terrifying reality - Trump will be making decisions for this country for the next 257 days if he loses the election.
He will contest the loss,
He will then call up the Armed Forces to
Don't be so sure. America is more divided than it has
Look at what has happened in Michigan, Virginia and other States - with people armed with weapons of war, including bazookas, screaming in the faces of the police,
What are we willing to risk? Are we willing to let Trump stay in office until November, agitating his base more and more, making
This is not some random fantasy just cooked up. There have been decades of stories documenting a national collection of
So, the big question for America is are we willing to wait until November to remove Trump from power? Will we take
If they have no allegiance to the people, it will be up to the Democrats to impeach him again, airing his corruption for the whole nation to see. To see that he has no love