First, u get people throwing words like supply & demand a lot. I'll go through it all using IMF GDP & BOP standards. Okay?
GDP = gross domestic product
GDP = stuff produced in economy such as
GDP = Agri + Industrial + Services
China does this
GDP = Primary + secondary + tertiary.
Looks like this:
GDP = private Consumption + Government consumption + Investment + eXport–iMport
GDP = C + G + I + X–M
And so to afford the demand, they import capital.
2 ways: through income or investment.
GDP = C + G + I + X–M
Have to square w/ income & capital account. Income u know, it's through either resident sending money home (Filipino workers remitting) or firms repatriating profits. Or capital through loans, portfolio or direct investment
Over time, if produce more than consume, accumulate savings
Whether u got more money than u need or short, and of course this matters if u got any savings.
Gross national disposable income (GNDY) =
GDP = C + G + I + X–M
GDP - net trade = C + G + I
GNDY = C + G + I + CAB
GNY - C - G - I = CAB
CAB is diff b/c ur saving & investment
Meaning, to invest u, need to save
Let's analyze an economy like Indonesia. If Indonesia's capital (foreigners buying stocks & bonds) & income (tourism, remittances, net trade) down then the following happen:
*Demand of IDR vs USD falls
*IDR falling = expensive to import
So naturally u see that the M will fall more than the X
so X-M becomes less negative.
And that is because C, which is private consumption, falls as income falls.
While revenue falling, government is spending more, so G rises. Investment likely falls.
Okay, don't forget that foreign investors risk appetite improve too if an EM survives shocks like IDR.
And finally, a country like Indonesia, which is an emerging market, and that means a lot of people & their consumption basket is still predominantly ESSENTIAL (food share of consumption high), then there's only so much C can fall.
People need to consume!
*Have space to move, as in not too much CPI & too much foreign debt, and willing to use FX to absorb shock
*Do fiscal for vulnerable population like poor + SMEs + key sectors
*Avoid malinvestment & accept adjustment & create space for recovery