It's me @bekanenzino
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But I define CREATIVITY as creating the extraordinary out of the ordinary. It is also doing the unexpected. For me it means thinking left when others are thinking right.#SNiClass
Rather than doing this can't we do this?
Thinking like that has always helped me develop a "Plan B" mindset. Meaning I'm always prepared for the unexpected
"Make a plan, expect the plan to go wrong, if or when it does, execute the back up"
Bottom line is always have contingencies.
I've found that in life you value whatever you work hard for more than you value what was handed over to you without stress. Same thing applies here.
They feel it comes easy so they put little to no effort in developing themselves and their creativity. And lack of doing often leads to forgetting how to do said thing.
What separates Mark Zuckerberg from the Winklevoses?
You can sit down at talk about how you thought of an idea but the other person will get the credit because he did the work.
And let's not forget there's nothing new under the sun
Even worse is someone else could have already thought of and executed that exact same idea in another location unknowing to you
Creativity isn't straightforward like regular photography.
In portraits for instance you can learn composition, lighting, retouching and you're golden. However the same rules don't apply to creative photography.
You know framing but you completely ignore it.
Motion blur used to be considered an error or a mistake until someone said it was "creative"
They dared to do the things everyone thought was abnormal and just look how it turned out.
Here at home we have the likes of @FabolousBanji @tybellotweets and @kelechiamadiobi (just to mention a couple)
@kelechiamadiobi did a shoot where he asked a man in a full suit to walk into a pool of water. Crazy yes but worth it.
📸: @kelechiamadiobi

He put a model on top a danfo bus in the middle of traffic and took some shots.
According to the story he said he had to settle the bus driver and they all ended up entertaining everyone stuck in traffic.
📸: @kelechiamadiobi

📸: @tybellotweets

📸: @FabolousBanji

Let your imagination run wild.
It always seems impossible until you do it.
Who said landscape has to just landscape or portraits have to be shot with modifiers and lights and backdrops
Start and improvise as you go. That process is what makes your brain work harder and more creatively.
Creativity involves way less thinking and way more doing.
I promise, if you keep thinking about how you'll do it, you'll never really do it.
If I kept thinking I needed a soft box and strobe and reflectors by now I would still be waiting.
1. YouTube
2. More YouTube
3. Even more YouTube 🙂
4. Let me guess YouTube?
5. Exactly... YouTube.
Everything I know today is from the internet. Rather than asking what camera or what lens or preset... go online and research what those things are composed of.
You need to know why 50mm
Is there a substitute for 50mm
Is the 50mm even necessary to begin with.
The how and why is more important than the what.
What is he or she thinking when taking photos. That thought process is what makes the photo really appealing.
Let me give you an example.

I have bosses whose work I follow alot.
It's not like they just woke up one morning and became as good as they are.
You need to stop feeling intimidated and start being inspired. "He has glass lens I have a phone"... so what?
So again...
What's your excuse?
*Creativity is making use of what you have to achieve what you want.
*You can be born with creativity and you can also learn it.
*You can develop a creative mind by studying the work of other creatives.
1. You become a master at improvisation.
2. It sets you apart from others.
3. You become more efficient
4. Working becomes more fun
For instance you get to a location for a pre wedding shoot and it's raining do you cancel or do you right there devise a concept to fit your present scenario 😁
Personally these past couple of weeks I've been contacted by a few businesses to help create content for their products. I did the job for two but I made a mistake. I didn't do it my way.
They said it didn't look like my work.
It didn't fit the profile I'd built up on social media.
Long story short I delivered and we were all happy 😅
When you're able to improvise quickly and creatively you work more efficiently. Things that would normally hinder others would help you succeed.
I read somewhere that it's no longer work if it's fun.
I know how much fun I have when experimenting with different ideas and concepts.
So when next you're shooting take a minute and think.
What is it that I wouldn't normally do and then do it 🙃.
Tell the groom to run like he just stole something.
Let them chase each other around like a game of tag
Have fun and create magic
Special thanks to @shuttersnetwork for hosting me.
Thank you @Hyelhirra for this opportunity.
The entire Board of #SNi
The entire #SNi family
I love you ❤
If you have any questions please comment under any tweet in this thread using #SNiClass and tagging both @shuttersnetwork and @bekanenzino.