Him: "I just wanted to say sorry for how acted yesterday. I shouldn'ta cussed you out and called you names like that."
Me: 🤔
Him: "I was just in pain, doc! But I know you was just trying to look out for me. I shouldn'ta said all that."

Me: "Umm. . . Are you sure I'm the one you cursed out? I appreciate your apology, sir, but I'm not sure I'm the one who should be getting it."
Him: "Damn. Am I going crazy? That wasn't you?"
Neighbor on other side of the curtain starts laughing.
Super hard.
We both swing our heads in the direction of that loud cackle.
Neighbor: "Yeah, it was you, alright, doc."
Me: "Sir?"
Neighbor: *behind curtain* "Bruh, you DID have some choice words for her but it was AFTER she left. You was talking to ME not HER, remember?"
Him: 😳
Rut roh.
Neighbor: "Be glad you didn't hear it, doc. It was . . .whooo!" *shaking head* "Bruh! That lady ain't even know you SAID nothing!"
Me: *amused*
Him: *embarrassed chuckle* "Damn! I snitched on myself!"
Neighbor: "Yeah, bruh. You DAMN sure did!"
*more laughter*
Neighbor: "Hey Doc. . .Want me to tell you what he said?"
Me: "Nah, I'm good."
Him: *shrugs* "At least I said I was sorry."
Me: "True dat."
Him: "We cool?"
Me: "As the other side of the pillow."
Nothing good would come from hearing what he said.
Me: "Okay, y'all. Let me get back to work."
Neighbor: "But Doc—can you answer a question 'fore you go?"
Me: *smirking* “Hmmm. Depends on what it is."
Neighbor: “Do snitches REALLY get stitches when they in the hospital?"
*fluffy collective laughter*
Me: "Fortunately, no."
This all reminded me of some #bedsidewisdom a Grady elder once gave me.
She said:
"Some stuff said 'bout you just ain't meant for you to be hearing. Don't go dissecting some little bitty shit you overheard on Tuesday that won't mean a damn thang on Wednesday."
This was in reference to her niece whose feelings were hurt after she was earhustling and overheard my pt talking about her. She'd said she didn't always answer the phone when her niece called because she talks too much.
When confronted, that elder said:
"Well. You do."
She said:
"I tells her, 'Wadn't meant for your ears, baby. Simple as that.'" *narrowing her eyes* "Then I says, 'You DO know that folk gon' ALWAYS say stuff don'tcha? It's up to you to discern how you gon' let it matter.'"
I never forgot that nugget of octogenarian wisdom.
Here's what I now know for sure:
People say all kinds of things. And some things said about us--bad or good--just AREN'T meant for our ears.
In a perfect world would everyone be saying only nice things? Maybe.
But I work on deciding what will matter.
You know? I'm convinced that my angry-about-oxycodone patient who cursed me out to his neighbor isn't the only person who has said unflattering words about me away from my ears.
But I'm cool with that.
Do I have thick skin? Nah. Just wise people around me.
And I listen.
So the REAL question is this:
If a tree falls in the woods and nobody is there to hear it, does it make a sound?
Well. That depends on if the tree is a snitch.
(Or in the room with one.)
Never forget to soak up as much #bedsidewisdom as you can. Happy Thursday, y'all.😊🛏️