The @WHO uses the term as in this news release.
"Local epidemiology should guide focused action in ‘new normal’ COVID-19 world"
It emphasizes countries should take evidence-informed actions and careful risk assessments before imposing 'new normal' policy

Pro Opposition cluster: @haikal_hassan, @fadlizon, @DonAdam68, @msaid_didu, and @podoradong.
Media & Information Arbitrage: @detikcom, @kompascom, @VIVAcoid, @republikaonline, and @tempodotco.

This cluster is very dense, indicating high retweets among it's users or influencers.
Some top influencers are @__RismaWidiono_, @Zul__88, @ChusnuIChotimah, @jr_kw19, and @BamsBulaksumur.

This cluster mostly consists of polres, polda, and polri public relation accounts, e.g. @BIDHumas_SB, @HumasPadang, @polisisumut, @LautHumas.
For the 'new normal', they use the same hashtags such as: #TataKehidupanBaru and #DisiplinPolaHidupBaru.

This cluster promotes government programs, and most active accounts are: @ChusnuIChotimah, etc.
There are many 'new normal' related hashtags, e.g. #BersiapMenujuNewNormal, #NewNormalCegahPHK, #NewNormalPulihkanEkonomi, #DisiplinKunciNewNormal, etc.

The Pro Opposition cluster accounts are @haikal_hassan, @msaid_didu, @OposisiCerdas, @geloraco, @podoradong, etc.
They don't use hashtag a lot, only one: #IndonesiaAbnormal. The red links indicate they consistently criticize the government.

Related to 'new normal', the following hashtags are the most actively promoted: #TataKehidupanBaru, #DisiplinPolaHidupBaru, #IndonesiaAbnormal, #BersiapMenujuNewNormal, #disiplinkuncinewnormal, etc.

- strong coordinated campaigns on New Normal by government (indicated by many New Normal related hashtags)
- strong negative responses from the oppositions against New Normal
Globally, these are the top 5 accounts with the highest RTs and Replies:

And these are the more complete list. The above top 5 are followed by:
@kwinbih, @FiersaBesari, @ozarkmomma2, @handokotjung, @RealEricCarmen, @ChelDiokno, @ImanAzlan11, @WidasSatyo, @elang0606, and @RealJamesWoods

Accounts with huge number of followers can make a lot of impact. Multiplied by the number of twits they made, we got these top 5:

Here is the complete list. Most of them are mainstream media accounts. Besides the first top 5, here are the next:
Mostly from Indonesian media.

Conversation about 'new normal' involves online sites articles. The most shared ones are:

What are the most shared twits? The top 5 are from these accounts:
@nadyacaka - nikah tanpa resepsi
@anandabadudu - critics
@hermantoregar - meaning of "new normal"
@RealSukriEusoff - follow the SOP
@kunalkamra88 - Indian "new normal"

@FiersaBesari - new normal kebal godaan
@ozarkmomma2 - stop calling 'new normal'
@FiersaBesari - new normal di alam
@RealEricCarmen - hate the phrase 'new normal'
@ChelDiokno - questioning 'new normal' in Ph

@ImanAzlan11 - small weddings, minimal guests
@elang0606 - Bus patas Jakarta Surabaya new normal
@RealJamesWoods - Until we destroy the economy
@handokotjung - pulang kerja ketika matahari masih keliatan
@qronoz - Pasar malem Puri Kemayoran

@kybaldo - there is no 'new normal'
@SB19Official - COOKING BATTLE online is the new normal
@anggasasongko - eneg dg diksi 'new normal'
@adrianoqalbi - joke

The 'Polri Network' cluster uses #TataKehidupanBaru hashtags to promote the new normal protocols. A lot of memes or infographics are made and shared by a lot of small accounts. These 'new normal' campaigns are not found in other countries.

On the other hand, the Pro Opposition cluster uses #IndonesiaAbnormal hashtag to criticise the government. Most of the posts received more engagements.

- Although the curve is not at it's peak yet, Indonesian government has campaigned for the 'new normal' plan
- Indonesia becomes the most active country talking abt 'new normal'
- This caused a lot of debate and criticisms especially from the pro opposition cluster
Looking at the 'new normal' campaign by the government, it seems that whether we are ready or not, and like it or not, the New Normal policy will be prepared and implemented.
So, fasten your masks, and be ready.
You can download the PDF version of this slides from my Slideshare page below.…
Analisis DE tentang 'new normal' ini sudah dipublish oleh @idntimes dalam artikel berikut.…
Oxymoron "New Normal"
Analisis Drone Emprit tentang New Normal, dimana yang mana maka dari itu ternyata Indonesia adalah negara paling semangat membahas New Normal di dunia, dijadikan salah satu referensi dalam artikel di Kompas ini. By mas @aik_arif.