It's only after third read that something in the prologue by @paulocoelho caught my attention... resonates with below line from the same book
"one dies of thirst just when the palm trees have appeared on the horizon"
#PauloCoelho #TheAlchemist

To summarise the snippet from #TheWinnerStandsAlone by @paulocoelho in his own words:
"be brave, take risks; nothing can substitute experience"

This pandemic has forced many to rearrange their priorities, to live more in the present - so to say carpe diem and to keep on believing in your dreams no matter what.
Extract from #liketheflowingriver by @paulocoelho

"all wines should be tasted":
figuratively - yes!
literally - that's a yes too!
Extract from Brida by @paulocoelho

"People are never satisfied. If they have a little, they want more. If they have a lot, they want still more. Once they have more, they wish they could be happy with little, but are incapable of making the slightest effort in that direction"

"every search begins with beginners luck and ends with the victor's being severely tested" -@paulocoelho
Keep fighting the good fight and nourish the soul of the world by fulfilling your destiny! #TheAlchemist

He exclaimed,
"you were my hope during my days of loneliness, my anxiety during moments of doubt, my certainty during moments of faith"
knowing that she may acknowledge this but the force of love that helped him evolve would remain unrequited !!
~Brida by @paulocoelho

Normal : anything accepted by the masses in the name of culture, tradition, morality, ethics or religion.
@paulocoelho too has encaptured 46 interesting ones in his book.
Would love if anyone adds to the list!

@paulocoelho did not actually post this letter from the book #Hippie but it very much captures the true soul and spirit of Hippie life.
"I was born to be free and I can survive this way" - don't slip into a life that is programmed like a code for robot!

An amazing work by @paulocoelho where a doctor brings Veronika who attempted suicide back to life with an awareness of death!
Do read to know what it is to be crazy and challenging the conventional at the risk of being mocked and criticized by the masses!!

Never turn your back on every dog that barks but surely shoo the ones that may bite...and the same goes for the troubles you face. Prioritise the ones that need your attention and ignore the others.
Similar theme captured by @paulocoelho in this piece from #Maktub

"It is easy to be difficult" better explained as why it is difficult to be easy...
@paulocoelho in #Maktub