"Wel nyne and twenty in a compaignye
Of sondry folk, by áventure y-falle
In felaweshipe, and pilgrimes were they alle..."
Our plan is to follow the road to Canterbury as far as we can in one day. #CTales
We won’t reach Canterbury, & we have not yet (thank goodness) been “seeke” - but we shall certainly pray to St Thomas along the way that all shall be well.

Unto the Wateryng of Seint Thomas.”
Here, where the Neckinger flows under the Old Kent Road & today a Tesco stands, is where the pilgrims draw lots to decide the order they will tell their tales. #CTales

(Greenwich is where Chaucer was probably living while writing the #CTales, so who knows what bust ups lay behind that little outburst?)

* There is no actual evidence for this #CTales