They thrive on police-managed street conflict, but I have a very hard time imagining them having the courage to directly show up to one of these protests, simply because they are chickenshit.
None of this is proof of anything, but unless there's a photo or ID I've missed I'm skeptical that they'd show their faces.…
The far right is absolutely working to leverage racist outside agitator narratives to try & delegitimize protests right now.
A whole lot of them honest to God believe all the ugly lies they've told about Black people being dangerous, animalistic, and unreasoning.
They fucking hate the cops but won't get into confrontation with them unless they're fully geared up in body armor and have at least one AK dangling from their shoulder.
They're unlikely to dare to go into a Black protest unless geared up.
So it's not out of the realm of possibility that they pull that shit w some racist willing to die.
What's more important here is for folks to think about how the "white supremacists did it" narratives can cut both ways, whatever the truth on the ground.
Not acknowledging that white supremacists are looking at this opportunistically and acting accordingly would be dangerous.
I know there are some extremely tempting hot takes to be had around all this in both "white supremacist terrorists!" and "liberals made up imaginary white supremacist terrorists!" directions, but there's just... a lot going on.
People on the ground in their own communities are the most likely to recognize strangers showing up to stir shit.
Ultimately, those voices are the most important.
White people don't have the right to make that call on this issue.
White folks provoking cops will likely get filmed, and the footage can be used to dishonestly reinforce delegitimizing narratives.
It seems to me like as far as news about white supremacist presence goes, this might be one of those times.
Thanks, folks.