They use it for slight-of-hand narrative strategies that revolve around "noticing" the supposed string-pulling by Jews in moments of fear, uncertainty, and unrest.
Supposed Jewish malevolent Oz-behind-the-curtain behavior is a frequent narrative, and has a long history of invocation during times of disease and plague.
That means that antisemitic conspiracy has especially strong traction right now.
"#AntifaTerrorists" is being used that way right now.
The Civil Rights movement, they said, therefore could not be the product of Black-led organizing. It had to be a conspiracy.
It also implies that Black people are also too stupid to know their self-interest & engage animalistically when riled up by bad actors.
It suggests Black people can't think for themselves.
Whites trying to dismiss Black civil rights action as outside agitator-sparked isn't some far right/far left thing.
Liberals do it, too.…
United States antifascism in the form of Antifa as a movement/culture, however, owes a lot of its heritage to British punk resistance to Nazi infiltration of punk/skinhead scenes in the 70's and 80's.
There'd been overlap before, but this ferment was something unprecedented in both degree and popularity.
And, white folks militantly organized to engage in street resistance to organized racists throw a wrench "outside agitator" narratives.
They use antisemitic & racist tropes to suggest that a few shadowy (((conspirators))) have riled up an animalistic race too lazy/stupid to resist on its own.
NWO is sort of the unified theory of antisemitic conspiracy. That Gates/Soros vaccine & Pizzagate stuff? It's very much tied in.
"Outside agitator" hinges on the racist suggestion that inherently animalistic Black people are being manipulated into violent action by diabolical Jews taking advantage of Black unintelligence from the shadows.
It's hard to paint antiracist action as the result of manipulation of a supposedly animalistic/unintelligent race when the supposedly superior race is taking part, too.
How do they explain that presence away?
By doubling down on the antisemitism.
The racists have to explain how white people got involved in action supposedly driven by Black animalism, so they need a supposedly extra-diabolical Jew to pin white presence on.…
It's important because oppressors almost always battle liberatory movements by leveraging multiple oppressions at once to appeal as broadly as possible to irrational hatreds.
Even though most Black people aren't Jewish, racists are effectively weaponizing antisemitic narratives to undermine the perceived legitimacy of popular Black resistance to police brutality.
More generally, we need to educate ourselves about how this strategy is most often deployed in the US, and give it no quarter.
It's not a coincidence that white supremacists peddle racism and antisemitism both.
It's easy to overlook antisemitism, and even when we recognize it we tend to underestimate its influence and impact.
Thanks for reading, and thoughts of solidarity to everyone doing the work of resisting white supremacy right now. 🖤❤️