- How another police murder sparked this
- Peaceful v violent protests
- Why violence happens
- Police engagement v batons/rubber bullets
- How MSM stoking flames
- Infiltration by groups such as Antifa
A big job for anyone who tries.
It happened in Hong Kong despite the world widely supporting those protests.
Why is the scale of looting in US riots so much higher?
It is naive to ignore that change has come with violent uprisings, whatever you feel about them.
My own view is that there is growing anger at the state and authority, magnified following lockdowns and 40m losing their jobs, infiltrated by opportunities and idiots.
- Role of Agent Provocateurs and how influential?
- Is this election-related?
- Why is the press being attacked and arrested?
I doubt anyone could come to an accurate conclusion as to why this is happening, just many contributing factors.
- Is it identity politics?
- Is it media?
- Is it government corruption?
- Is it police brutality?
- Is it rampant capitalism (haves v have nots)
- Is it all of this?
- Is it other things?