Peter McCormack 🏴‍☠️🇬🇧🇮🇪 Profile picture
Host of The Peter McCormack Show, Chairman of @realbedford, retired rapper, grifter, budget Ryan Reynolds.
10 subscribers
Jan 19, 2023 15 tweets 7 min read
When people like @SenWarren work against #bitcoin, people like @DigiEconomist put out flawed research or @PeterZeihan spreads false information…they are working against one of the greatest tools for human freedom and ingenuity.

🧵 A thread of cool examples… Virunga National Park mining #bitcoin to fund protection of the National Park.…
Dec 21, 2022 8 tweets 5 min read
The final judgement in my case against CSW has been handed down.

It is not a very good judgement for Craig but ultimately a very expensive one for me.

On the four key final points... Firstly, and the most important part to me, we were unable to overturn the cost orders issued, subject to evaluation by a cost judge, I owe up to £900k to his defence.
Nov 13, 2022 28 tweets 5 min read
A short thread regarding BlockFi 🧵

As they have been caught up in the FTX debacle there are a number of accusations flying around which I thought is best to address.

Not everyone will like what I have to say but here it is.

I took them on as a sponsor in 2018 and they sponsored the show up until this year.

There were a lot of people who told me I shouldn’t have them as a sponsor because bitcoiners should always hold their private keys.
Oct 14, 2022 11 tweets 2 min read
UK mess tl;dr:

UK growth is lacklustre. Multiple reasons:
- Global headwinds
- Brexit failures
- Lack of housing/infrastructure, partially led by local tory nimbyism

UK debt is at post war high and inflation decade highs.

The Government needed to implement a costly package to help people with energy costs. In addition to the energy package, they decided to implement trickle down economics, widely derided & criticised for widening budget deficits & raising inequality.

Jun 20, 2022 12 tweets 5 min read
You can go back to my episode with @fluffypony in 2018, I have never had an issue with Monero. Anyone listening to my show over the years knows this.

I am not ideologically against things, I need a good argument. FOR ME, privacy is easier on Monero than #bitcoin. I said this again in 2019.
Jun 20, 2022 6 tweets 5 min read
We have never told people to buy #bitcoin. We do though promote #bitcoin and its benefits but encourage people to spend time understanding it.

At a time of economic crisis, it is important that people understand how the financial system works:
If people learn about #bitcoin via @realbedford and then choose to invest, we would encourage people to be responsible:
1. Understand the volatile nature of the price
2. Understand how to self-custody
Jun 18, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
I am addicted to this
Jun 16, 2022 14 tweets 4 min read
1/ This kind of advice across all of crypto is generally bad and risky. Let's look at the risks:
1. Banks > currency debasement, incoming CBDCs, surveillance, frozen funds, lack of sovereignty.
2. Crypto > volatility, technical learning curve, rug pulls, smart contract failures 2/ I have looped #bitcoin and crypto together as the advice relates to both and I have followers of both.

I am personally only in #bitcoin and some of the risks relate to both, some individually.
Jun 13, 2022 24 tweets 12 min read
While the market is rough, I'll share some thoughts on #bitcoin and crypto from my five years in the space. Not everyone will agree, both #bitcoin and crypto people.

Always interested in thoughts and feedback.

Thread below🧵1/n #bitcoin is king and the only "crypto" asset I hold because #bitcoin solves problems and has unique properties as money:
- Self-custody
- Trustless
- Permissionless
- Censorship resistance
- Fixed supply / known issuance
- Fast global payments

Jun 10, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
People who liberally throw out "statist cuck", what is your alternative?

I am genuinely interested in your alternative visions for how 100's of millions of people coordinate, how the rule of law is maintained, how power grids exist without centralisation etc...? Please be as detailed as possible and share reference articles of where this has worked before.

I am completely on the side of the argument that governments are failing us, my concern has always been that democracy is replaced with something that becomes something worse.
May 25, 2022 12 tweets 4 min read
My trail has just finished, we now await for judgement, which could be a few weeks.

There is a lot I could say but I’ll keep it to the basics. Firstly I have a lot of people to thank, though mostly I won’t name.

Firstly thanks to my lawyers RPC and barristers for their hard work. They have been on this for three years, often working unpaid because I could not always afford the fees. I still owe them a lot of money.

They have done a stunning job understanding the facts and defending me.
May 1, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
I've been trying to understand BIP119. From a non-technical person's perspective, here are some thoughts.

For context, #bitcoin is something I buy, hodl and sometimes sell with a simple wallet strategy. I don't even like thinking about the tech stuff.

👇👇👇 1. I don't understand why there are arguments over activation.

I assumed there was a pretty set process for BIP review, agreement and activation. I'm nervous that something might get activated that a bunch of people just don't agree with. I thought #bitcoin was a glacier.
Mar 6, 2022 12 tweets 4 min read
Considered response...

There are climate issues impacting the planet now and there is a potential climate crisis. There is also a potential crisis of insufficient energy generation. The impact of burning fossil fuels was known as far back as the 70s when Exxon's chief scientist reported on this.

Since then, Exxon and other oil companies have actively invested in disinformation:…
Dec 27, 2021 35 tweets 15 min read
1/ The following thread explains in detail our vision for @realbedford. The presentation is available on our website and we are open to discussing it with anyone.

A thread 👇👇👇 2/ Our vision is rooted in delivering opportunities to Bedford, both economic and with grassroots football. Our early success means we already have funds to make these investments.
Dec 16, 2021 15 tweets 8 min read
NEWS: I can announce that I have agreed on a deal to acquire Bedford FC from their current chairman Lui.

There is a lot to cover and I will do my best in this thread. If you want to follow:
- Twitter: @realbedford
- Website:

1/n 2/ This acquisition is part of a childhood dream to own a local Bedford club. We don't have a big club where I live and I've always wanted to bring league football to the town.

I am taking over as Chairman but Lui is going to stay on until the end of the season and support me.
Nov 20, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Kamala: “I have spent the majority of my career trying to make the justice system more equitable”

Also Kamala:
- Fought to keep innocent people in jail
- Sent parents of truant kids to jail
- Did not prosecute Mnuchin’s bank for widespread misconduct

“How Kamala Harris Fought to Keep Nonviolent Prisoners Locked Up”…
Nov 12, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
Maybe because they are dead? Context: these binary takes are great for audience capture when the reality is Covid is complicated. Some people clearly should be vaccinated and others not.

Some people have been injured and died from the vaccine and vice versa with Covid.
Nov 11, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Fact-checking live is something I want to bring to the podcast...that said, some example facts regarding Laura Loomer's comments in our interview...

Correction: Muhammad is not the most popular boys name in the UK, it is 10th. This is an islamophobic lie.… Variations of the name Muhammad grouped together, would have made it the most popular name.

That said, who cares? The UK is a multi-cultural society and there are bad eggs from all communities, races, sexes and religions.
Oct 29, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Head back to the UK today, nearly three months away, the longest I’ve done.

Amazing trip but physically and mentally broken. Need to go and recharge.

It’s been so good to see so many #bitcoin people. Keep stacking gang. Being away from your family for so long is tough.

Living out of hotel rooms and taking so many flights lumping bags around is tough.

Lack of routine with diet, physical fitness and mental well being isn’t great.

Probably the last time I do a trip like this.
Oct 23, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read

@jack is the opposite of self-serving. He’s clearly mission driven to fix money and not enrich himself further.

Pathetic analysis.…
Sep 26, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Next Thursday I will be hosting a first WBD Live in Nashville with @PrestonPysh and @MartyBent.

50 tickets are available at $75 each.

Why charge? At my previous free events, half the people don't turn up. The ticket fee covers the venue, food and beer.… Note that any profits that remain will be put behind the bar for anyone who wants to stay out drinking else it will be donated to open source dev.