I cried to my PI yesterday.
I was explaining that I’m trying my best. Even in the midst of all this, I am TRYING to be a good grad student.
I was trying to force myself to write my advancement document all last week. I couldn’t.
She empathized. She listened. As a white woman who openly admitted that she can’t fully understand how I feel, she heard my frustrations and concerns. But more than that, she offered concrete support.
1) listened - as I cried and became upset, she didn’t drown out my thoughts with her own
2) validated my emotions - she emphasized that my feelings are valid, it’s okay to not be “productive” right now, and that I’m still a great student
But now I’m grateful for it. I feel a little better, she’s a better advisor because of it, and we can have more open dialogues about race.
These conversations are uncomfortable. But they are necessary.
We don’t want to feel like we can’t do this. That being Black is somehow inhibiting our academic progress. That we have to be silent about our emotions.