Me : Most common? Well, it's [Name][Long list of digits] i.e. Simon5949303020 ... in other words, it's not a person, it's almost certainly a bot. Usually with common images in their "profile" i.e. UK flag / sparta etc
Me : I know, but I genuinely find that "real" people tend to change that to something else ... it's always the [name][long numbers] that have common background images and common profile photos and ...
There's some really interesting behavioural gameplay in this space.
Me : The path from complaining about media representation to marching with fascists is paved with "independent thinkers" claiming "immunity" to such influence and "good intentions". These robot farms are fertile hunting grounds.
Me : Yes. If you look at #ScumMedia hashtag, it's awash with nonsense and fake stories occupying an artificially created collective. It's layers of conspiracy all feeding off each other and attacking the press.