Its goal is the destruction of republican government.

Rioting, arson, and looting are not protesting injustice. dailywire.com/news/minneapol…
It is no longer about civil rights.
It has become insurrection, pure and simple. thesaurus.com/browse/insurre…
It does NOT protect mob rule, which as Abraham Lincoln warned in his Lyceum Speech of 1838, is the very antithesis of republican government. abrahamlincolnonline.org/lincoln/speech…

ONLY THEN does the federal government step in.

Unfortunately, the PCA is widely misunderstood.

The legislation was introduced by southern Democrats in the House of Reps who RESENTED the employment of federal troops for this purpose. history.com/topics/america…
We Are Patriots,
America Is Our Home
The Republic is at stake.
God Speed
🎩h/t AG