On the agenda tonight:
- budget cuts
- response to public outcry over police brutality and racism
- roundabouts
- COVID-19 update
Let's go!
The City just put out this statement about the budget: bendbulletin.com/localstate/cit…
Still big uncertainty as to whether fed grants and $ will help city backfill our COVID-19 costs and lost revenue.
April unemployment in Deschutes was over 18%.
No surprise to hear this for folks living here in Bend, I'm sure.
One area it was easy to cut right now - the budget for traveling to training conferences.
COIC approached the City to tell them they didn't need the transit money this year due to CARES act federal funding.
Adding body cam implementation project for police, but there will be fewer traffic enforcement events.
Yet another reason to open streets downtown right now.
Next: Council Work session for discussions of results of the ReedMkt/Bond roundabout test and outdoor seating downtown.
The City is already opening sidewalks and private parking areas for additional business use.
Parklets in parking street spaces would be mostly funded by businesses, need to be safe and accessible.
Councilor Livingston asks about how barricades for parklets are secured to ground. Staff says case by case consideration.
Piper raises emergency vehicle concerns.
Councilor Abernathy asks if other biz is interested in making more proposals? @BendBizAdvocate says yes, especially now that Phase 2 might be coming.
Mayor Russell wants to emphasize emergency vehicle access. She was coughing and took a sec to take a drink of water. Moseley: "That's one of the symptoms."
Virtual meeting woes.
I will take notes but can't transcribe verbatim. Starts with statement that all of Council is heartbroken over senseless killing of George Floyd.
- DEI as a formal City goal with a formal training program. Bill Moseley declined DEI training, by the way.
- Police formed DEI group in 2019, says regular mandatory training on bias occurs, reduced use of force by 30% in the past year
- committed to community involvement in process
- community panel will inform their decision, will include @LatinoCommAssoc and Homeless Leadership Coalition
- town hall to gather feedback
Wastewater samples were taken as well so they can be compared to in-person tests.
We had a spike associated with two clusters associated with Mother's Day gatherings.

Says she wants Council to listen to the DEI task force that will be recommending next steps. Wants to give people a safe place where they can come and be heard after experiencing a racist incident. Wants an Equity or Human Rights Commission that can hold ppl accountable.
We have a municipal police force with civilian oversight here in Bend, she points out. She takes her duty of oversight very seriously. Thinks we have good cops here in Bend, cites her relationship with Chief Porter. We take care of our cops and their health.
Ends by quoting George Floyd's brother: Keep protesting but stop looting. Vote. And not just for President. Vote all the way down the ballot.
Says they have received tons of emails right now, but asks that people still write in to them with ideas. Asks people to also think about what's already good in our community. Says so many of us in our community agree that we've barely started.
Piper moves to authorize staff to implement the temporary program.
Main motion to allow the program described by staff passes 6-1. Livingston only holdout.
Looking forward to seeing these changes downtown to help our businesses!
Check back tomorrow to see SOMEONE putting that into action 😉
Stewardship committee reports out on DEI presentation they received from Allyship in Action. You can see the presentation here: bendoregon.gov/home/showdocum…
July 1 meeting is cancelled.
Next meeting is June 17! The Reed Mkt/Bond roundabout report out will be then.
Keep the public comments coming, everyone! Great to hear those tonight and hear that more folks are engaging with city government. You can make a difference with your voice.
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