The golden age of the moor
African presence in early europe
(Both by ivan van sertima)
When nations gather by sultan Abdul latif
The negro question part 4 and 6 by Lee Cummings
100 amazing facts about the negro with proof
Moors in America by najee ullah el
Africans and native americans by jack d Forbes
They came before Columbus by ivan van sertima
What your history books failed to tell you by azeem Hopkins bey
Nature knows no color line
Sex and race both by j.a Rodgers.
The golden trade of the moors by bovill
Rameses III: Father of Ancient America by Jairazbhoy
Isonomi the great Masonic secret master Keys by mahfuz el bey
We are the washitaw by umar Shabazz bey.
We come from greatness.