“Ratioing the President: An exploration of public engagement with Obama and Trump on Twitter”
J. R. Minot, M. V. Arnold, T. Alshaabi, C. M. Danforth, P. S. Dodds
- Number of Favorites
- Number of Retweets
- Number of Replies (hard to measure—see our paper)
- Favorites are light and easy to make.
- Retweets require more effort as the user is broadcasting to the their followers.
- Replies involve some creative action, however little.
In October of 2017 (approximately three thousand years ago), @FiveThirtyEight put out an analysis of US political figures using these kinds of plots:
# replies : # retweets: # favorites.
Top: 0:100:0 (sharing something important and serious)
Bottom left corner: 100:0:0 (users have something to say)
Bottom right corner: 0:0:100 (festival of love)
A typical response to a @bts_twt tweet:
Our paper represents a start on POTUSometrics and ratiometrics.
We have more to come in this area and much more to come in general from our team at @compstorylab.
Congrats to Josh Minot on his first first author paper making it’s way into the world.