Here are the things I tweeted back in 2018 which led to me losing my job.
First there was this on the GRA consultation
Which led to a whole series of branching conversations with fellow development researchers on the nature of sex & gender
There was no mythical abuse or harassment of a trans colleague
And you can read my witness statement, live tweets from the hearing, and the judgment here
(because: #openjustice )…
The ability to talk about things we disagree on, and about evidence.
Because if you do there is a good chance that people will gang up to call you names, send you threats, try to get you fired, lose you work, destroy your good name or your business (especially if you are a woman)
Not because they really think you are a bigot for saying that sex is real and sex matters, but because they are scared too.
I hope more people will take the time to understand the issues.
This by @HJoyceGender is a good starting point…