w FBI director J. Edgar Hoover.
Bernard Baruch testified as character witness
at Cohn's 1st trial.
Gossip columnists
Walter Winchell + Leonard Lyons,
showered Cohn w praise,
as did George Sokolsky.

deviated sharply from ideological tenets
of Acheson-Lilienthal plan
4 intl control of atomic energy.
Going against sentiments of
Robert Oppenheimer
+ scientific community,
Baruch instead advocated 2 UN
4 American monopoly on atomic energy."

of some of Baruch's Wall Street assocs,
was vetoed by USSR.
As Cold War intensified
+ nuclear weapons
swiftly proliferated around world,
Oppenheimer + others
roundly criticized Baruch's presentation
*Cold War?
A: Bernard Baruch
multimillionaire + financier
Bernard Baruch,
in speech given
during unveiling of his portrait
in S Carolina House of Reps,
coins term “Cold War”
2 describe relations btw US + USSR"
"Simon Baruch [Father]
was Jewish doctor
who served in Confederate Army
+ later joined Ku Klux Klan.
His granddaughter Belle
was accomplished aviator + equestrian;
she was also lesbian."
primarily explores relationship
between Bernard + Belle
+ their collective passion 4
the Hobcaw property.
sometimes achieved competing against
male lackeys of Hitler + Mussolini.
ties btw Baruchs + roughly 100 black workers
at Hobcaw.
"was so famous in his day,
he was 1 of most famous men in the world.
He was involved in World War I,
w efforts 2 start
League of Nations,
+ head of Woodrow Wilson’s
War Industries Board"
mainly came from
"Baroness of Hobcaw: The Life of Belle W. Baruch"
by Mary E. Miller
100s of docs + home movies
provided by Baruch Foundation,
501c established by Belle Baruch
2 run Hobcaw preserve.
housed numerous plantations
+ there were still black families
living in area.
Baruch hired black workers
+ improved their living conditions,
but arrangement nonetheless
reeked of plantation-style social stratification."