The intellectual frauds who laid the foundations for Critical Theory, birthing this new illiberal identitarian left, which is insanely more dangerous than how it is branded.
Equality is at risk.
Fraternity is at risk.
Critical theory is a tool designed for power grab. It deconstructs. It divides. But it has no project. It does not accept diversity of thoughts, only allegiance to its precepts. It is totalitarian by design.
Heretics & apostates are excommunicated (cancel culture).
This is textbook a religious, sectarian system.
While right-wing identitarianism is under massive scrutinity, the identitarian left is making insane leaps forward mostly unchallenged.
Our failure to protect our values led to the worst kind of antidote: Trump & Brexit.
I’m taking risks. Do the same. Resist. Defend your ideals. Defend equality. Defend due process. Defend freedom. Defend the left! WAKE. UP.
1. Admit your sins
2. Believe in the theory
3. Repent & act to enforce orthodoxy
The worst way to advance a cause.
The medium is the message.