Who you are this month is based on decisions you made last month
You're the main character of your movie
What happens in the movie is the surface level
Why it happened, how it happened, connects the dots of patterns. The substance of the script
Schooling teaches what to think, not how to think. Mostly memorization
All trust in external resources, little practice with our internal intuition
Society ends up soothing symptoms instead of healing roots
I buy a new car. Brake & gas petal are at a different angle then my old car
I still do my old ankle twist motion to switch between. But now it's a bit more intense of a twist
It's subtle, I don't notice it. After a few months the default angle of my ankle changes
Over a few months the knee starts experiencing pain from these repeated odd absorption's
The average person goes, sees a doctor for knee pain. So they soothe the knee and put a brace on it...
So the problem never changes, it is coped with
Is a money problem really a money problem? Or is it a symptom of another root
Is a relationship problem really a relationship problem?
Wisdom to connect the dots, see through
The surface level is a signal, a metaphor, a symbol of the patterns being written in the script
They are behaviors expressed as a result of those patterns
Reactions from actions
Instead of changing the script, the roots of why it is being written
Interpretation is the way we can see into the internal
🔑 Our results/experiences are a print out of what patterns are coded within
You do not attract what you want
You attract what you are
As we saw in part 1 - thought + actions + beliefs, for a prolonged period is to...
Change the 'being' & patterns within the body, mind, conscious, and subconscious
Changing the entire vibrational matrix code
Each day you write a sentence, enough days you have a chapter.
It only takes one chapter to shift the entire direction of the story
Responsibility = to respond
Irresponsible = to re-act, which is to re-play. Nothing is being written.... the behaviors previously written are just being played again
'Choked' off from intuition and intelligence. Re-acting instead of responding.
Only seeing the surface level instead of interpreting the substance
Knowing yourself
It's going to be hard to write a script without knowing who the main character is.
It's going to be hard to understand the behaviors, interests, habits, purpose
📜 Gospel of Thomas (edited out of bible):
..come to know yourselves, then you will become known, you will realize that it is you who are the sons of the living father.
But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty”
📜 "Seek first the kingdom, and your desires will come to you"
Seeking the desires without the kingdom is like making a shoe before the idea for the shoe
Don't view them as gospel, rather food for thought
30-60% accurate
NEW QUESTIONS = new answers
Seek to understand the reaction of the action so you can RESPOND and write the next chapter, instead of coasting along while it's written for you
Active participant vs inactive spectator of life