Trump says governors control when to open up.
Trump starts LIBERATE STATES tweetstorm to pressure dem states to open. Armed militia show up.
GOP States readily open up, even when they do not meet CDC triggers to do so.
Cases start to climb again.
Trump announces the battle is over, we have beaten the virus. Says he will open up rallies in a couple of weeks.
Protests break out nationwide, some damage, stealing.
Trump calls out police & military to DOMINATE the streets, they hit hard with helmets, shields, body armor, batons, rubber bullets, tear gas, flash bangs, pepper balls.
Trump blames Antifa for violence, calls in National Guard, US Armed forces to fight in the streets. Military brass refuse the request to fight.
Trump surrounds WH with 8 ft high reinforced metal fencing.
Biden pleads for calm, visits Floyd family for comfort and condolences. Calls in to memorial wit kind words.
Trump distracts with talk of the stock market rebound, the virus is defeated, America opening up again, China, WHO, other targets of ridicule, Sleepy Joe, etc.
Massive pushback by retired military, statesmen, etc
Barr focuses on origins of Russia investigation, dropping charges on Flynn.
Senate subpoenas large number of former Obama officials for Russia investigation origins.
Causes public outrage.
Press sec. says it was just a question it he was, not that he was. BS.
Sound like a really bad script for a political intrigue movie?
Stay tuned.
Will the GOP see the light and shoot the moon, going directly for the #25thAmendment?
Or will the Celebrity Dictator Apprentice use smoke and mirrors and whack-a-mole tactics to cruise into November,
Do not miss a single day in this raucous adventure which will decide the future of American Democracy.
@TheDemCoalition @SethAbramson @ProjectLincoln @Eleven_Films @HouseIntel @AdamSchiff @SteveSchmidtSES @glennkirschner2