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Oct 29th 2022
Trump didn't care if Mike Pence lived or died on January 6th.

Despite that, every single day since, @Mike_Pence has embraced Trump's and the GOP's lawlessness, marching alongside violence-inciting Ultra MAGA Republicans on the path toward fascism.… (1/x)
On January 7th, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer called on Mike Pence to invoke to #25thAmendment: “If the vice president and Cabinet do not act, the Congress may be prepared to move forward with impeachment,” said Pelosi. (2/x)
Pence Didn’t Act. But Trump Did

On January 13th, Trump began unleashing new waves of pardons and commutations—handing out nearly 200 more get-out-of-jail-free cards to a rogues’ gallery of accomplices, friends, donors, traitors, spies and assorted ne’er-do-wells. (3/x)
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Jun 10th 2022
After night one of the televised #January6thCommitteeHearings, the reality of what happened on that day has been brought into sharper, more terrifying focus.

We already knew what happened. But there were some new reveals. 🧵
We saw clips of Bill Barr saying Trump’s election fraud claims were “bullshit,” Ivanka Trump saying she was influenced by Barr because he’s always so trustworthy, and Jared saying all he really cared about was getting as many of his criminal associates pardoned as possible. (2/x)
Even for those who already knew Trump was a frantic psychopath, it was shocking to hear Liz Cheney say: "Aware of the rioters’ chants to ‘hang Mike Pence,’ the president responded with this sentiment: ‘Maybe our supporters have the right idea.’ Mike Pence ‘deserves it.’" (3/x)
Read 13 tweets
Aug 26th 2021

Several (3 being reported) USA military personnel injured. Report says ISIS-K is responsible.

You cannot negotiate with TERRORISTS JOE!
Additional SUICIDE BOMBING (second bombing) possible at the BARON Hotel in Kabul. This is a hotel that Americans frequently stay.
🚨 🚨 🚨 🚨 🚨 🚨
Still developing; PENTAGON - large number of Afghan people injured. They confirm US soldiers injured, still saying 'several.'

Info very raw. It will change
Read 12 tweets
Aug 21st 2021
All American military equipment. Biden did this. He armed the Taliban with some of the best equipment available.
The Taliban, mocking the United States military, recreates the iconic flag planting on Mount Suribachi, Iwo Jima. To add injury to insult, the Taliban are fully equipped with American military equipment. cc: @mchooyah
Joe Biden must resign. Immediately. #25thAmendment #Afghanishtan
Read 12 tweets
Jan 13th 2021
Gerade wird in den #USA über das #Trump-#Impeachment abgestimmt, nachdem Vizepräsident #Pence nicht zum #25thAmendment greifen wollte.
Offenbar sind nicht wenige Republikaner:innen überzeugt: folgen sie ihrem Gewissen und stimmen pro Impeachment, droht ihnen der Tod. /MS
Zur Absicherung des Parlamentsbetriebs ist die #Nationalgarde aktiv - und die muss auf dem Boden schlafen, aus Mangel an Alternativen. Die #USA sind auf dem besten Weg zum "third world shithole". /MS
Über 20.000 (!) Nationalgardist:innen sind im #Kapitol im Einsatz. Mehr als im #Irak & #Afghanistan zusammen.
Und alles nur wegen einer Horde rechtsradikaler Terroristen und eines durchgeknallten "Präsidenten". /MS
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Jan 12th 2021
Unity and Healing⁉️The @HouseGOP and @SenateGOP are complicit in the plans to murder Democrats‼️They allowed Qanon conspiracy theorists to take over this country and complained when they lost those followers on Twitter‼️THIS was their plan👇#25thAmendment…
🔥The Prominent Republicans that complained how they lost followers on Twitter need to be INVESTIGATED. There is a reason that those Qanon terrorists were following them. They are involved in planning massive terrorist plots to overthrow democracy‼️…
⚠️🚨⚠️Here are some of the Republicans that complained about losing Qanon #MAGATerrorists Twitter followers who are ACTIVELY planning a massive insurrection and bloodbath‼️@SecPompeo @GOPLeader @TomCottonAR @mattgaetz @kilmeade @SarahHuckabee
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Jan 12th 2021
We must protect Donald J. Trump. The most damage Putin can cause in the U.S. is to have him murdered. They’ll blame everyone but Russia. The Kremlin’s goal is to fuel civil war, destroy, and own the U.S. Same playbook as in Ukraine. Weaken and run the government.
While most platforms banned him, Trump is organizing his insane secession using Telegram. As Olga Lautman pointed out, he’s building his FSB army of Americans via direct recruitment using the app.

He thinks he’s going to take over Texas. It doesn’t get more nuts than this.
Despite how insane Trump’s plan is to try to make himself King of Texas, he should not be permitted to wage war against the U.S. It’s that simple. He’s trying to destroy our Constitution, our nation’s North Star. It is absolutely unacceptable for this behavior to be tolerated.
Read 7 tweets
Jan 11th 2021
Omg Mike Pence just showed up at the White House for the first time in days.
Seriously people. Trump hasn't talked to Pence since insurrectionists were screaming "hang Mike Pence" on their way in the doors. Not one word.
I mean...this just happened. ImageImage
Read 4 tweets
Jan 11th 2021
I'm sorry but #BlackLivesMatter protests should never be treated like the #CapitolRiot. Protesting in response to murders committed by police is not the same as committing a violent #CapitolBuilding attack b/c you didn't like the winner of an election #impeachment #25thAmendment
And if it isn't already obvious..... #BlackLivesMatter protestors have already been treated *much* more severely than the #TrumpSupporters who murdered two police officers which were defending the lives of our senators and Vice President inside the #CapitolBuilding
I generally have a high degree of tolerance for people whose views I do not share, but I have zero tolerance for hate.
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Jan 8th 2021
I know it’s frustrating to “wait” days for #Impeachment when Trump is so unhinged. FAR faster to arrest him for felony murder - but the US House is not the US Attorney and House Rules say “fast track” a bill to Floor vote in 2 legislative days. Til then, #25thAmendment!
5 days feel like an eternity especially while traumatized by the deadly #CapitolRiots Trump incited. After he’s shredded our Constitution, it’s excruciating to wait while he hurts more people. But #impeachment is worth it - we can MOVE ON by making sure he can’t run again.
I remember being a prosecutor and people would “pull time” per CA’s Speedy Trial Law - demand a jury trial in 10 days. It felt achingly slow; when you charge a case you want to try it day one at arraignment. But due process for ALL is our system. Hang tight. 5 days. #impeachment
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Jan 7th 2021
🚨BREAKING: @SpeakerPelosi calls on @VP Pence and the Cabinet to invoke the #25thAmendment to REMOVE Trump—calling him a “very dangerous person”—and says the House may #ImpeachTrump (again).

The @GOP allowed this traitor to remain in office.🤬

Pelosi: “By inciting #sedition as he did yesterday he must be REMOVED from office. While there are only 13 days left any day could be a horror show for America.”💥

#RemoveTrumpNow #GOPSedition
Pelosi hammers the @HouseGOP who challenged the election results yesterday, calling them “enablers of the president’s #sedition.”

These @GOP traitors must be REMOVED FROM OFFICE to FACE JUSTICE.🤬

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Jan 7th 2021
Where there is darkness, there is light. Death is followed by rebirth.

This is the U.S.’s last opportunity to demonstrate to the world we will pull together and take down Vladimir Putin. Traitors will be exposed and held accountable or it’s game over. Truth matters.
The U.S. Capitol building was treated like Crimea’s government buildings were in 2014 when Putin’s army of “little green men” invaded. The Kremlin’s weapon of mass destruction in the Oval Office and his top political warfare generals were all involved in this operation.
Flynn, Giuliani, Stone, Bannon, and Manafort work for Putin. They’re his political warfare terrorist. Manafort was involved in the 2006 attack against NATO and U.S. Marines conducting exercises in Crimea.

The U.S. military was attacked by Moscow’s operation of militia rioters.
Read 8 tweets
Jan 6th 2021
Today, the President of the United States kept telling
absurd lies & refused to concede.
He incited acts of domestic terrorism.
Members of the @Cabinet should be quietly considering the 25th Amendment.
The House should open an impeachment inquiry, @RepJerryNadler @SpeakerPelosi
An inquiry is not a conviction.

It is the first, necessary step for Congress to hold a corrupt President willing to lie & incite his partisans to overturn an election accountable.

He incited a mob towards an insurrection that breached the @USCapitol, disrupting a Joint Session.

"With his incitement of a direct assault on the people’s house, [Trump] has forfeited his claim to finish his term. The House must…impeach him, & the Senate must vote to remove him. And as it does so, …bar him from ever again serving in public office." ?…
Read 70 tweets
Jan 5th 2021
#Goodnews aus den #USA

Das Oberhaupt der rechtsradikalen #ProudBoys, Henry #Tarrio, wurde in #Washington wegen Sachbeschädigung und Mitführung zweier Schusswaffen-Magazine festgenommen. /TN #TrumpTapes #Republikaner…
Der Chef der #ProudBoys wurde festgenommen? Kein Grund für seine Jünger, sich zu mäßigen - die prügeln sich in #Washington kräftig mit der Polizei. "Thin Blue Line" am Arsch? /MS
#Trump-Supporter haben die Absperrungen am Kapitol in #Washington (#USA) durchbrochen und versuchen das Parlament zu stürmen. Ach du Scheiße. /MS
Read 211 tweets
Oct 9th 2020
Amazing @earthinstitute #sustainwhat chat started with Larry Altman covering @VP candidate Eagleton pulling out of '72 race over undisclosed depression treatment, ended exploring @DrMarcSiegel's plan to give @potus a #COVID19 checkup live on @TuckerCarlson tonight. Links below⤵️
Watch @Laurie_Garrett @nytimes' 40-year veteran presidential-health reporter Larry Altman, & @deborahblum of @KSJatMIT: Periscope
Read 9 tweets
Oct 9th 2020
@SpeakerPelosi to introduce legislation to create a commission on presidential capacity to review the health of a President under provisions of the #25thAmendment providing for the temporary transfer of power to the @VP in case of inability to discharge the duties of the office.
🔥Trump has become dangerously unfit and has become a serious threat to our domestic and national security. #TrumpIsNotWell #25thAmendmentNow
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Aug 7th 2020
In a study reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association, #COVID19 deaths were the likeliest cause for a 28% increase in seasonal deaths that were *not* reported as CV19-related (March-May).

That suggests the true number of deaths may be over 195,000 already.

As of today, U Washington's IHME forecasts an interim #COVID19 death toll of 295,000 by December 1.

They also raised the Nov 1 forecast from 235K to 250K.

POUTS is losing this war, at our expense.

It's time for the #25thAmendment.…
Source for the prior post:
('Projections' link)…
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Aug 7th 2020
"It is crucial that those who can restrain him act now or be prepared to do so. Not only our democracy as so many have said, but our lives may depend on it."

I wonder how many hashtag #TrumpIsALaughingStock in order to de-terrorize & detach from the truth of Trump's potential. Image
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Jun 30th 2020
It doesn’t surprise me about trump. It DOES surprise me that so many top people have not gone to Congress, gone to the papers, blown the whistle... How could they stand idly by? WHY no #25thAmendment ?
NOW there’s reporting that BOLTON told trump in 2019. But still Bolton wouldn’t testify at impeachment? He’s stained forever. Some patriot.
They knew. They all knew. Our troops died. AND 127,000 dead from COVID. I’m just so sick about all this. Each one will be stained by their complicity for all of history.
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Jun 28th 2020
Mike Pence Wants You to Pray the Coronavirus Away 😒 | via @VICE #PoltergeistPence #ScienceDenial #Cult45* #MAGAMasochism…
Trump has reportedly grown increasingly concerned about how it would appear if he contracted the coronavirus 🙄 | via @TheWeek #NoTearsInABucket #Bootstraps #SociopathRoulette #NotAHoax #NarcissistWhoCriedWolf 🤡👺📵…
30% of Americans say they trust Trump to get facts right on coronavirus — a lower mark than respondents gave the CDC (64%), their state governments (53%), local news (50%) and the news media in general (44%) | via @axios #DudeGottaGo #AmericanSociopath…
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Jun 11th 2020
Trump is FAR more dangerous, and his corruption much deeper that we can imagine. It is worldwide, involving Venezuela, Russia, Ukraine, Hungary, Turkey, Israel, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Iraq, Iran & China. @SethAbramson details the CV-19 debacle, and how it is integral to decisions
made by Trump that proved disastrous - to line his pockets. He explains the reason Trump assassinated and Iranian general out of the blue.
He explains that all of the corruption Trump is involved with is for one thing: billions of dollars of personal profit.
Read 7 tweets
Jun 10th 2020
So let me get this straight.
Trump says governors control when to open up.
Trump starts LIBERATE STATES tweetstorm to pressure dem states to open. Armed militia show up.
GOP States readily open up, even when they do not meet CDC triggers to do so.
Cases start to climb again.
Fauci warns the virus in still in its beginning stage, says it is his worst nightmare. Says it is not going away till vaccine is universally available.
Trump announces the battle is over, we have beaten the virus. Says he will open up rallies in a couple of weeks.
George Floyd is murdered on live video.
Protests break out nationwide, some damage, stealing.
Trump calls out police & military to DOMINATE the streets, they hit hard with helmets, shields, body armor, batons, rubber bullets, tear gas, flash bangs, pepper balls.
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May 16th 2020
To #ImpeachTrump in the middle of a national crisis would be outrageous! Witch Hunt! That is what GOP would scream.
I say to choose NOT to impeach Trump, in a crisis that he continues to make much worse, would be an outrageous betrayal of the American people. He will only get
more destructive, more tyrannical, more delusional. Chant: IMPEACH TRUMP AGAIN! Let it rip! He has shown depraved indifference to human suffering and the slaughter of 90,000 of his own people. That is first degree manslaughter, if not murder. He continues to promote unproven
cures, tells us that a vaccine will be ready this year, he wants to force people to go back to work that will cause the needless death of thousands more. That is another crime. First degree reckless endangerment or criminally negligent homicide. THESE ARE CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY.
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May 9th 2020
THREAD The adept reporting from dozens of sources have built a solid record, corroborated, of the disjointed, directionless, chaotic, ad hoc nature of the Trump administration's dedicated effort to undo everything Obama did. One critical, fateful issue was the comprehensive
international network for detecting and mitigating a potential pandemic. It placed CDC experts in key area around the world known for emergence of novel diseases, primarily Africa and China. Trump knew the threat, because of H1N1, Ebola, and others that he severely criticized
the response of the Obama administration. In fact, he said that a President owns all of the deaths that happen on their watch in a disease breakout. But he eviscerated the framework Obama (and Bush) had carefully constructed in concert with the UN, WHO, NIH, HHS, CDC, China,
Read 20 tweets

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