Special effects, story-telling, action sequences and even memes would never be the same again. Thank you Lana and @lilly_wachowski
We've compiled a megathread on this incredible movie.
Follow the white rabbit. 👇🏾
He chose to do "Wild Wild West" instead. Other questionable decisions followed -After Earth, Youtube rewind video etc.
Watch him talk about playing Neo -
She played Liz Teel in a Canadian TV series which was also called "The Matrix".
Watch the opening credits of that show -
Ghost in the Shell (1995) was a major inspiration
Check this gif out featuring Zhang Ziyi from Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. Looks vaguely familiar?
Out of Control by @kevin2kelly (who's got a fabulously interesting website - kk.org) and Introducing Evolutionary Psychology.

Hugo Weaving spoke like a 1950s news reader which Laurence Fishburne said made him sound like Walter Cronkite.
Watch Walter Cronkite speak about humans landing on the moon -

Bullet time. You have to admit you were mind blown the first time you saw it. Watch it again, won't you?
21 years ago!
Watch it. When you "see" it, it will blow your mind.
Remember this one?
The actual movie stuff on The Matrix is yet to come, watch this space!
Let's get talking about the actual movie a little?
When you rewatch the movie, notice how all the shots in the Matrix have a green tint, while the real world has a blue tint.
The marital arts practice pad is neither and has a yellow tint.
Neo asks 44 questions in the first 45 minutes of the movie, most of which are answered by Morpheus.
The legendary Hugo Weaving almost didn't end up being Agent Smith.
Weaving injured his leg on the first day of the shoot. The schedule was rearranged to ensure all the stunts he was in were shot much later.
It blew my mind when I saw it again. You're welcome!
The squeaking sounds of the windows being cleaned interrupts the conversation and now it all makes sense :-)
However, the Wachowskis had the script and screenplay ready before Dark City.
Watch the Dark City trailer -
They are the Nokia 8110 phones, also called the Nokia stilettos.
Blinde won against stiff competition from brands such as Ray Ban and Arnette.
Read more here - themarysue.com/decoding-the-t…
It ends, very book-end style with another trace that fails to run since we now have Neo on our side.
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