Punya Saham
It is a sensitive point in chart which indicates fortune & happiness.
Formula to calculate its Longitude is as under:
Day birth: Moon - Sun + Ascendant
Night birth: Sun - Moon + Ascendant
A benefic Graha transiting/aspecting Punya Saham is +ve for native.
When a Graha giving good results to native in birth chart effects Punya Saham, the native gets overall happiness, protection from enemies and even pecuniary benfits. However, when a Graha giving bad results to native transits/aspects this point, native suffers setbacks.
If Lord (Swami) of the Punya Saham point occupies 1,4,5,7,9,10 house, then the results are most pronounced, else the native does not get results according to expectations.
Moon will transit/aspect this Punya Saham point twice a month. Sun, Mercury, Venus Twice a year. Mars 4 times in about 2 yrs. Jupiter 4 times in about 12 yrs. Saturn 4 times in 30 years. Rahu/Ketu 4 times in 18 years.
Jai Shri Ram.
If you're taking tropical values, remember to convert them into sidereal value by subtracting 24°8'