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check out👇for a #tweetorial on PTH-dependent & PTH-independent causes of hyperCa
as a result, calciostat (CaSR) is at a higher "setpoint"*
thus, ⬆️PTH ("inappropriately normal") -> ⬆️Ca via bone resorption & ⬆️Ca reabsorption via the kidney (see below) -> hypercalcemia & hypocalciuria
*really running w/ analogy here...
@ohamnvik teaches us to think in TWO major buckets:
@haematognomist made this nice framework 👇
2 more frameworks @PennMedicine & @CPSolvers: med.upenn.edu/frameworks/hyp…
for more on TUMS-induced hypercalcemia (i.e. Milk Alkali Syndrome) check out Episode 79 from our friends at @CPSolvers & case presenter @AnandJag1:
hypercalcemia = secondary to the lytic bone lesions seen w/ MM
for more clinical practice w/ hyperCa in malignancy:
VMR 52 w/ @tmodarressi: clinicalproblemsolving.com/morning-report…
VMR 63: clinicalproblemsolving.com/morning-report…
typically start to see sx at ~11.5 mg/dL, severe sx >13 mg/dL
Remember the "classic" hyperCa sx (see image👇)
*HyperCa can precipitate nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (NDI) -> polyuria, & pancreatitis
in PRIMARY hyperparathyroidism, what are the typical labs?
Primary hyperparathyroidism: ⬆️/nl PTH, ⬆️Ca, ⬇️phos
Tertiary hyperparathyroidism: ⬆️⬆️ PTH, ⬆️Ca, ⬆️phos (due to ESRD)
(sneak peek: he'll be back tomorrow for a Hypocalcemia episode!)
-Ionized = "free" Ca, which controls PTH level
-Ca sensed in parathyroid Chief cells by CaSR
-CaSR LoF mut. -> FHH
-PTH -> ⬆️Ca, ⬆️active vit. D, ⬇️phos
-HyperCa causes: PTH-dependent (primary, tertiary) & -independent (cancer, vit. D, other)