Overall a strong showing for Sony with a well rounded line up of first party, second party, third party and indie titles.
More than 7m tuning in to watch the event, signalling high interest in next gen.
They could have used more in depth looks but it was still good to hear from the devs about the games take advantage of PS5.
Demon Soul's remake too.
Essentially showcasing experiences on PS.
There will be other events where we see the 'AAA tier third party titles' that will be on all platforms.
Yes, it looks like a wi-fi router.
Dual SKU strategy is unique in that this is the first time we have a digital / discless SKU on day one of the console launch.
Why? Because 51% of PS4 software sales in FY2019/20 were via digital download.
This is slightly different as both PS5 SKU's have the same specs, just one is without a disc.
Will be a way for Sony to keep the price down, not necessarily compete with Lockhart.
My current assumption is that we'll see PS5 and PS5 digital retail in the $449 to $499 range.
Could be lower if MS has more attractive pricing. (If they both ever announce it)
- Showcasing PS5 exclusives
- Back compat with PS4
- Services transitioning over.
The GTA Online (3 months free on PS5) announce is larger than most people think. It's a top played game on PS4.
Ultimately it makes sense that they didn't talk about it. Focus was all on PS5 today.
Still barriers to VR and Sony will want to 'perfect' it + cultivate dev support before launching an upgrade.
Software delays - Doesn't seem to be a huge impact right now.
Component scarcity / Logistics - Could be more costly to build / distribute PS5.
Recession - Less people able / willing to spend on day one.
Overall though, there will be an impact on uptake of consoles, especially if price is $450+
PS will likely maintain its position as a leading console brand next gen, due to its strong PS4 base, first and second party dev capabilities and content partnerships with third parties.
That + services providing a compelling reason to upgrade
It's clear that there is strong demand for PS5 and we're at a point where there is a segment of console gamers willing to put down the $500 or so for HW/SW.
But adoption curve could slow come 21/22.
I'll do something similar for Xbox for their event in July. I believe that they're in a much stronger position this time and could really grow next gen due to its ecosystem / services focus.