In 1892, he proceeded to England and returned back as Barrister in 1897.He practised at Delhi, Moradabad and Amritsar and settled in U.P.
He was President of Bar Association
He was a leading Barrister

Key of Knowledge
Confluence of Opposites,
Jain Logic
Discourse Divine
House Holder's Dharma
Practicel Dharma
Sanyas Dharma
Jain Psychology
Faith, Knowledge and Conduct
What is Jainism
The Change of Heart
Jain Penance
Jain Culture
It says,
When Rai was going to get married , the girl which was introduced to him was bit mentally unstable , which he came to know after sometime of marriage,
Many suggested him that u shud get divorced
Here his reply was impressive being a jain who believed in karm siddhant
Said ,
I am fine with what is happened to me , what gurantee you all can give me that the new wife which I,ll marry will not get mentally unstable after few years.
He knew it very well that he is not the doer , it's my previous karma which are giving me these results.