أبو سليمان خالد بن الوليد بن المغيرة: سَيفُ اللهِ المسلول
1. Abū Sulaymān Khālid ibn al-Walīd: Sayfullāh al-Maslūl
Khālid ibn al-Walīd is, unarguably the most prominent warrior of Islām. He was a war general, master strategist and prolific swordsman.
“I see you as an intelligent man & I do hope that it brings you to goodness.”
Khālid was moved to tears by those kind words. He regretted not joining the Prophet earlier as well as his hatred for, & persecution of the Muslims.
استغفر لي كل ما أوضعت فيه من صد عن سبيل الله
“Seek Allah’s forgiveness for me in respect of the troubles that I’ve caused by obstructing the path of Allāh.”
With cheers, the Prophet ﷺ replied:
إنَّ الإسلامَ يَجُبُ مَا قَبْلَهُ
“Islām annuls what came before it.”
اللَّهُمَّ اغفر لخالد بن الوليد كل ما أوضع فيه من صد عن سبيلك
“O Allāh! Forgive Khālid of all the troubles that he has caused by obstructing the believers from your path.”
After the death of the Prophet, Khālid continued to put himself at the service of the rightly-guided caliphs and did not resign from his military duties.
‘Khālid is truly an excellent slave of Allāh and a brother of the same tribe. He is a sword of Allāh unsheathed against disbelievers and hypocrites.’”
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم: من خالد بن الوليد … إلى مرازبة فارس….سلام على من اتبع الهدى… أما بعد، فالحمد لله الذي فض خدمكم، وسلب ملككم، ووهن كيدكم…فوالذي لا إله غيره لأبعثنَ إليكم قوما يحبون الموت كما تحبون الحياة.
In the name of Allāh, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
Khālid also participated at the battle of Yarmuk and all other battles during the lifetimes of caliphs Abubakr and ‘Umar until his death. During one of his heroic moments, a general in the Roman army, جرجة بن بوذيها said to him:
“Khālid, tell me the truth; do not lie, for neither the freeborn nor the
رضي الله عنك يا سيف الله المسلول!!!!