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Wikileaks Decode: wikileaks.org/clinton-emails…

Starring: Jodi Foster
Released: 1997
It wasn't just a 'soap opera'. It was a PROGRAM.
Here's an interesting episode:
November 22nd 1963.
01:40PM EDT
I was watching this show (although, I didn't want to, at the time).
Interesting family. Interesting background.
What was about to be released?
Cartels Working In Conjunction w/someone who seeks to hide "inconvenient truths?"
Mitt sure did come out swinging for POTUS immediately after, huh?

News Unlocks MAP
M = Minor
A = Attracted
P = Person
Luciferian-Speak for Ped0f!le.
So, what makes me think this is all part of a staged event?
We have broken their code. They were on walkie talkies. Their codes have been broken.
“Amid US-China tensions as the main axis of global politics, the pressure to ‘choose sides’ is increasing,” he said. “We as Europeans have to do it ‘My Way’, with all the challenges this brings.”

Last Friday's Show WAS SPOT ON TARGET. Thank you for this link, BluSoul! {@rPyUqT7vJdXn03B}
When all the dust settles on this - it will be a different world.

Chicom Secret Agents, PLA Regular Army BioWeapons Scientists Stole Weaponized Version of Corona-Virus last April 2019 & Shipped To Wuhan!
Is CNN gonna issue a retraction? No??
Just kidding.
Days now. Hours, really.