Obama had no scandals except:
-tan suit
-deporting more people than any president
-genocidal war in Yemen
-supporting al-Qaeda in Syria
-destroying Libya and creating open-air slave markets
-arming Israel as it bombed civilians in Gaza
-TPP corporate monstrosity
-military coup in Honduras, installing far-right narco-dictatorship
-parliamentary coup in Brazil, leading to fascist Bolsonaro regime
-soft coup in Paraguay
-prolonging military occupation of Afghanistan
-drone bombing everywhere
-doing nothing to get Flint clean water, then visiting and pretending to drink the water to act as if everything is okay
-installing a neocolonial unelected "junta" (yes, that's the real name) in Puerto Rico
-bailing out Wall Street
-using WWI-era Espionage Act to prosecute whistleblowers more than all presidents combined
-sending guns to Mexican drug cartels
-overseeing violent Nazi-infiltrated coup in Ukraine
-letting cops brutalize water protectors at Standing Rock