[A cautionary tweetorial from ORBITA-HQ. #Foamed]
Actually, their biggest contribution was not the roads, or the baths, or the sewage system, or aqueducts, or the many other things that first jump to mind.

Faced with the tedium of having to classify his slaves for work capacity, he found age and sex too simplistic. He created an extra component for the effort they could make.
"Nonne Juvenes Habitus Ambulatio?"
The NJHA scale was widely used to classify physical fitness of slaves in the mediterranean.
I - VELUT BOS (as strong as an ox)
II - XX LIBRAS FATIGATIS (gets tired when carrying ~10 kg)
III - XX GRADIBUS FATIGATIS (gets tired at 20 steps)
IV - FESSI ET QUIETEM (tired even though at rest)
To this day, Caecilius's scale is in use.
What do you think NYHA class I means?
In the western world we think the Arabs created it.
The Arabs give credit to the Indians.
It was written by the great Indian mathematician Brahmagupta about 500 years after the fictional Caecilius passed away in the eruption of Vesuvius.
Whatever is the square-root of the "rupas" multiplied by the square [and] increased by the square of half the unknown, diminish that by half the unknown and divide [the remainder] by its square. [The result is] the unknown
Alex Nowbar (now an ORBITA-HQ PhD student) spotted this and a few other impossibilities in that paper.
And the curious thing was, the more impossibilities, the bigger the effect size!
Because one of them has now popped up running the greatest pile of steaming horseshit about treatment of Covid, since the Great Leader promoted the ultraviolet lung therapy.
The full story is here:
For dramatic effect he is often said instead to have died in the volcanic eruption of Vesuvius, even though that was 17 years later.
"Caecilius est in horto".
So yes, I did exaggerate his contribution to the NYHA scale. But it still doesn't have a zero!