People liked working from home – 67% of the people found work from home as being efficient. They found it to be productive and comfortable.
#workfromhome #Sneedsurvey #Backtooffice #coworking

However, 65% respondents want to spend only part of the week working from home. Work from home is an alternative to working from the office and not its substitute.
#workfromhome #Sneedsurvey #Backtooffice #coworking

Younger respondents find a lack of infrastructure & communication with colleagues as lacking while older respondents lament unscheduled work times as the biggest bane of WFH.....
#workfromhome #Sneedsurvey #Backtooffice #coworking

...Respondents of different age groups show the varied perception of benefits and challenges of working from home. HR policies should address the challenges of diverse workgroups
#workfromhome #Sneedsurvey #Backtooffice #coworking

Time saved in travel seems to be the biggest motivation to choose work from home. Respondents with longer travel times tend to overlook other challenges to save time.
#workfromhome #Sneedsurvey #Backtooffice #coworking

63% of the respondents feel comfortable with working from remote offices/satellite offices that are closer to home.
The preference increases to 73% with those travelling more than 1 hr /day.
#workfromhome #Sneedsurvey #Backtooffice #coworking…
#workfromhome #Sneedsurvey #Backtooffice #remoteoffices #coworking #Servicedoffices #coworkingspaces